Sunday, January 25, 2009

Is it just me... ?

Well Friends, the time has come that I caught up to the band wagon. I've enjoyed keeping up with so many wonderful friends through their blogs that I thought maybe they'd like to keep up with me. :) So here I am! My goal for this blog is to not only be able to keep everyone updated with what's going on with me, but also to help me show gratitude to my Heavenly Father for all of the wonderful blessings he gives me every day. Happy Blogging!


  1. Yeah!!!! I'm so glad you did this and that I am your very first comment EVER!!!!

  2. YAY!!! I'm so excited to read about your life! If it were a book, I'd so buy it. You're amazing and funny and awesome!!!

  3. I'm number three, but that's because I live on the East Coast and I'm up before anyone else! Yay, Lindsay Laub. Okay, so Kris and I have one too, but I'm lousy at it. Good luck with it and have fun. I cannot wait to see you when Caelen is born!

  4. Hola mi amiga bonita! Welcome to the wonderful world of Dis...I mean, blogging!:) I will be an avid reader, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.

  5. Welcome to the world of blogging! It is good to have you ;) I can't wait to enjoy reading your posts. Happy blogging!

  6. Great idea! Keep it updated and I will check it often!!! Love you so much Laubster!!!

  7. AWESOME! Your next post should be a video of the monkey dance --for old time's sake :). -Stephanie

  8. yeah! I'm so glad you've started a blog!
